Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In My Mailbox Bloop

Please note: 
"Karin the Librarian"'s quote from the first In My Mailbox post needs to be highlighted to be read due to an error on my part. Sorry!


In My Mailbox Post. 1

I got this idea from Karin's Book Nook (www.karinlibrarian.wordpress.com ~ great site!), who wrote:

The “In My Mailbox” meme was first brought to
 my attention from The Story Siren’s blog.  She got the idea from 
Alea’s Mailbox Monday, so I thought I’d mention her too.  
So thanks to The Story Siren (who's site is also GREAT!) , and Alea (awesome site, and not only about books either!!) , and Karin (above) for the idea.

So this week I recieved (not in my mailbox, sadly):

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan

The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan: Book Cover
Princess in the Spotlight by Meg Cabot

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Decoding of Lana Morris

THIS WEEK: The Decoding of Lana Morris.

Lana Morris lives in Nebraska with her foster parents and a house full of Snicks (or SNKs, special needs kids). She feels miserable a lot of the time--she has no friends except for the Snicks, her foster mother hates her, and her foster father is always acting strange towards her (okay, maybe that she DOESN'T mind). One day, she buys a sketchpad. Just a normal , regular sketchpad. Yes, it cost two dollars, and yes, Lana had to use her special two-dollar bill that her real father gave her to buy it, but she realizes something.

The sketchbook has powers.

It is powerful.

Very powerful.


I loved THE DECODING OF LANA MORRIS. It was fast and very engaging. The only real problem I had was that at times, the plot seemed a bit off. Overall, I would give this book a four of 5.